Friday, May 30, 2008


Series: Metal Gear Solid
Name: Solid Snake
Age: 36(Before) 72 (Now)
Sex: Male
Gaming: Newcomer/Secret Fighter
Snake. Snake? Snnaaakkkeee!!! It's a shocker that Solid Snake made it to the Brawl stage. Most of us didn't know that Solid Snake will make the debute back in 2005! Until it reviels a trailer, that introduced, Meta Knight, Pit, Zero Suit Samus, Wario, and Solid Snake! Shocking eh?
Special: Granades
Side Special: Missles
Up Special: Cypher
Down Special: C4 Mines
Final Smash: Granade Launcher
(Snake is one of my main characters in Brawl)

Snake: Profile

It's too early to update Snake, but what the heck?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Link: Profile

Ths is Link's Profile. Enjoy!

Zero Suit (Samus): Profile

This is Samus with her two suits and thier profile.

Pit: Profile

This is Pit's Profile. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mario: Profile

This is Mario's Profile. He's not like a powerful fighter, but see this video, and you can master him.

Notice: How to Play Updates and Nrw Plannings

Sunday: No Updats
Monday: 1
Tuesday: 1
Wednesday: 1
Thursday: 1
Friday: 1
Saturday: Notices

Also, I'll be now posting How to Play Profiles.