Saturday, May 3, 2008


Series: Pokemon
Age: Unknown
Name: JigglyPuff (Purin)
Sex: Female (Unknown)
Gaming: Veteren (Smasher)
She's early to introduce as well, but she's an easy to unlock character from the past Smash Bros. Series, but this time, she's tottally hard to unlock! She's slow and not that much agility, and she weighs less so that shes an easy target to kill, I don't see the point why shes in Brawl. Not to hate JigglyPuff, but I don't see any good things about JigglyPuff. Maybe shes for hardplayers to fight, and her Pound is powerful and her Final Smash can make her Giga JigglyPuff anytime someone hits her hard in her Final Smash, she becomes really big!
Special: Rollout
Side Special: Pound
Up Special: Sing
Down Special: Sleep
Final Smash: Giga JigglyPuff
(Theres a 75% Chance I'll be using JigglyPuff)

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